The Capabilities of No-lift NEMT

View our Medical Transport Capability Chart

What types of patients can No-lift NEMT accommodate?

How do I know the best method to get a patient from point A to point B? Depending on the needs of a patient, a taxi may be just fine. Most often, however, patients have special needs when it comes to mobility, transport and care. Evaluating the best method of transport can be daunting for a case workers and transport companies alike. Too often, patients are sent on a stretcher in an ambulance when a patient could ride more dignified, upright in a wheelchair–and for far less money. We’ve created this medical transport capability chart to track what method of transport method is best in a given situation. Compare the incredible versatility of the Broda® Synthesis WC19 Transport Chair with No-lift NEMT with traditional transport methods.

How do I know what method of transportation is best for a patient?

Scope of Transport

Consider the scope of transport. How far are you taking them? Curb-to-curb? Door-to-door? Door-through-door? Bed-to-bed?

Level of Patient Assistance

Consider how much assistance the patient requires. Can they ambulate? Even if he or she can walk, is there a fall risk? If they need assistance, how much? Minimum assist? Max assist? Consider what a physical or occupational therapist would suggest. The device used to transport the patient can simplify or complicate the transport. With No-lift NEMT®, even patients needing total assistance can be accommodated–and most often ride upright.

Transfer Assistance Needed

Consider the patient’s needs in transferring from the hospital bed to the wheelchair or gurney. Can they stand and pivot to a wheelchair? If so, how painful would it be? What is the risk of falling or being dropped? No-lift NEMT® with the Broda® Synthesis fully-reclining wheelchair can accommodate a lateral transfer, reducing the risk of drops and falls while also permitting patients with limited mobility the chance to be transferred without lifting and comfortably ride upright.

Clinical Needs and Other Considerations

When scheduling a transport, you’ll consider clinical needs such as special positioning, oxygen, and pain. No-lift NEMT® with the Broda® Synthesis WC19 Transport Chair can provide a much more dignified, comfortable experience for a fraction of the cost (and risk) of a gurney-scheduled trip.

Are there limitations to No-lift NEMT® or the Broda® chair?

Consider these, then proceed with confidence.

Bariatric Patients

Currently, the Broda® Synthesis WC19 Transport Chair has only been crash tested up to 350 lbs. Transporting patients larger than 350lbs, the process no longer meets WC19 standards. Seat width could potentially be a limiting factor for bariatric patients.

Unusually High or Low Beds

The Broda® Synthesis WC19 Transport Chair does not currently raise up and down, so in rare situations where patients need to be transferred to or from an usually high or low surface, a lateral transfer may not be possible.

Transferring to or from Another Chair

Lifting is required in situations where a patient must transfer to or from another wheelchair. We wish everyone used a Broda® .

Transporting with Greater than 30° of Recline

The Broda® Synthesis WC19 Transport Chair is crash tested while in the upright position and reclined up to 30°. Though the chair can technically lay flat in a vehicle, laying the chair flatter than 30° is not WC19-compliant.

Facing Sideways in a Vehicle

No wheelchair, or person, should ever be transported facing sideways in a vehicle.

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